The end of the financial year is almost upon us. If you’re still looking to make a tax deductible donation, here are several organisations that could use your support.


Anglican Aid – because he loved us Appeal

Help grace abound through supporting the work of 140 Anglican Aid partner projects. Anglican Aid works with a number of faithful overseas partners to bless communities and preach Christ. Giving to this appeal will help programs that support and promote education, health, income generation, disability inclusion, humanitarian and emergency assistance and the care of women and children in more than 40 countries. 


Church Missionary Society – Lasting Hope Appeal

Support missionaries worldwide as they help people to know the hope of Jesus and live as disciples of Christ. The donation form provides the option to give towards general missionary support or to direct your giving to tax-deductible projects.


Generate Scripture Teaching – your local Special Religious Education (SRE) teachers

Generate funds hundreds of SRE teachers and chaplains in NSW public schools. Fund the work of your local employed Scripture teachers, or donate to the teachers and schools that need support most. All donations above $2 are tax deductible. 


Youthworks – effective Youth and Children’s ministries

Your gift is an investment in the focused and sustained discipleship of young people, and it supports Youthworks as it equips volunteers to train SRE teachers in NSW public schools; produces resources to be used by churches, schools and families in faith education; and trains dedicated youth and children’s ministers at Youthworks College.


Anglicare – Winter Appeal

Assisting those in need with emergency food and assistance when a family turns to us for help. Assisting people escaping domestic violence to transition to a safe, stable accommodation and provide financial or emotional support.