Libby Leach is a former Greek Bible Fellowship member and Sydney CMS missionary working with university students in Paris.

As a staff worker with the Groupes Bibliques Universitaries (GBU), the national Christian student movement, Libby seeks to train Christian students to prepare and lead Bible studies and share their faith.

In January the GBU held its first weekend away for women interested in full time ministry. Ten women attended the weekend.

Libby said, "We had a great time studying the Bible together and discussing issues that concern us."

According to Libby, encouraging French women to consider full-time ministry as a future career option is a challenge, as in France there are very few "official' opportunities for women in ministry.

"This of course does not mean there isn't an enormous amount of ministry to be done, especially in France's post-Christian secular society. Nor does it mean that women are not serving the Lord in their churches and Christian groups " they certainly are", said Libby.

"But it does mean that the women who attended our weekend will need to be creative as they seek new ways to serve in their churches. They will need a "pioneering spirit'."

Pray that God will guide these women as they seek his will for their lives and ministry, and for Libby as she offers her support and friendship.