Has the church been lying for 2000 years?

Did Mary have Jesus' child?

Has this secret been guarded for centuries?

Is all this news to Jesus?

These are just some of the many questions that will arise as The Da Vinci Code movie opens in cinemas May 18. It is a film that, like the Dan Brown novel on which it is based, is guaranteed to raise many questions about God, the church and Jesus. 

The Da Vinci Code movie is great tool Christians can use to put God back on the agenda and spark Gospel conversations.
The Da Vinci Code is an aggressive attack on Biblical beliefs which lacks the positive points available in films like The Passion, portraying Jesus' last hours before being crucified, or The Narnia Chronicles with Aslan as the symbol of Christ's sacrifice for us all. However, since it challenges people's views of the church, Jesus and much more, it will create opportunities for Christians to share what they believe and why.

Look out for the cinema campaign that will be challenging people’s perceptions of The Da Vinci Code
Anglican Media will be launching a cinema advertising campaign to maximise this Gospel opportunity. Key cinemas across the Sydney Diocese will be blitzed in the week before the film’s release and for three weeks after.

» View the cinema advertisement (2.7mb, mp4)  also 2.7mb QT version

This advertisement aims to challenge people to find out the truth behind The Da Vinci Code by visiting a specially prepared web-site.

To help equip churches and individuals Anglican Media is launching ChallengingDaVinci.com
The ChallengingDaVinci.com web site will go on line April 17. The site covers a range of questions that people are likely to raise about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the Church, The Da Vinci Code and much more. Dr Greg Clarke, the director of CASE (the Centre for Apologetic Scholarship and Education) is the brains behind the answers.

» Visit Challengingdavinci.com, live April 17

The site is designed to invite exploration from curious minds interested in examining the validity of the questions The Da Vinci Code raises. As well as articles, ChallengingDaVinci.com will contain games and give-aways.

» Download free wall-paper backgrounds for your computer desktop (1 mb)

Most importantly, ChallengingDaVinci.com will contain links to the new and improved Christianity.net, developed with the assistance of John Dickson. Here, they will be able to ask and have answered every question they can pose about God and his plans for this world. Stay tuned to Sydneyanglicans.net for more details on this new resource!

Christian groups will also be able to register their own ChallengingDaVinci events with Anglican Media. Times, locations and contact details will be advertised on the site so that people in your local area know where to go.

» Register your ChallengingDaVinci event


Now is the time to start preparing to take hold of opportunities this movie will bring.
It is important that people are equipped with the right facts and information to help them answer the tough questions that may arise.

To help you promote the opportunities that The Da Vinci Code movie can bring, Anglican Media Sydney will be making available ChallengingDaVinci promotional packs to parishes in the Sydney Diocese (includes postcards, posters, promo DVD and more).

» Register your interest in obtaining a promotional pack

For those who would like to create their own promotional material, or want to put announcements in their church bulletin etc, you can download the ChallengingDaVinci.com logo and "Last Supper' graphic right now.

» Download ChallengingDaVinci.com graphics and logos (2.4 mb)


Are you planning to run a ChallengingDaVinci style event? Here are some additional resources to help you make the most of the campaign:

1.  ChallengingDaVinci PowerPoint slide (571 kb) - Click on this link to download a ChallengingDaVinci.com PowerPoint slide that can be incorporated into any on-screen media you may be using.

2. ChallengingDaVinci A5 Hand-out- Click on this link to download an easy to reproduce A5 hand-out that also includes space to insert the details of your own event or group contact details.
For more information about ChallengingDaVinci.com, contact Anglican Media Sydney on 9265 1505

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