With three kids in primary school, Kellie and Josh Kean know what it’s like to be busy. So when Kellie Kean was approached to co-ordinate kids’ church on a Sunday morning at Merrylands Anglican, she knew the decision would require careful consideration.
“We feel busy a lot,” says Kean, who also juggles part time work and part time study on top of caring for her family.
“On the days I work, I get home as the kids go to bed. So we need to reassess often to ensure that our kids aren’t being disadvantaged and that we get family time. Our family time might not look the same as other families – we might not eat together as one big family all the time – but we prioritise Friday nights with the family, for example.”
Saying "No" to say "Yes"
In order to say “Yes” to co-ordinating kids’ church, Kean knew it would involve saying “No” to her other ministry commitments.
“I had to look at what I could give up in order to really commit,” she says. “I’ve always had a passion for kids’ ministry, and I get joy seeing kids understand the basics of the Bible and God and who he is. I feel it’s really important. These children are going to grow up and become adults and serve, so it’s good they have a good understanding of the gospel and are encouraged to grow in their faith.”
Aside from co-ordinating kids’ church, the Keans also welcomed a Bible study group into their home for six years. “It was easier to have it at our house because we could put the kids to bed,” Kean says. “We find it a privilege to meet with others and read the Bible together and challenge each other. We’ve really journeyed in our faith together, and it’s so encouraging to see people grow and see prayer answered.
“When I come home from work there’s usually people already here, but it’s such a blessing to be around others who are strong in their faith. Growing closer as a group encourages you to keep going as you see the group maturing in their faith.”
Thinking about what is best for your family
In their ministry decisions, both Mr and Mrs Kean are careful to communicate their intentions and priorities to their children.
“Our kids and our jobs are also our ministries, but having them see us involved in church is really important because we want to model that to them,” Kellie Kean says. “We hope they will grow up and serve in church because that’s what they’ve seen their whole lives.”
At the end of a busy week, she recognises that it’s not her planning or well-thought out commitments that make it possible for her to give of herself.
“Ultimately the strength to do these ministries comes from God. His Holy Spirit imparts in Josh and I a Christ-like love for the kids at church and in the community that we serve, and a desire to share his good news with others."
“Having a few Christian friends who keep me accountable for my ministry choices is also vital. I had friends who were concerned I was taking on too much, so having them in my life to ensure that my personal relationship with Jesus is still the most important is really valuable.
"While ministry is easier now than when my kids were babies, I want my kids to know that they are still our God-given ministry. I keep praying that God will help me to be wise.”
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