Although Gavin had initial reservations, God changed his mind.

“I wasn’t very excited about foster care at first,” says the Rev Gavin Rosser, rector of Lugarno. Together with his wife Megan and four children, they provide short-term care for newborns through Anglicare Sydney.

 “We looked at James 1:27 in Bible study and asked ourselves, ‘How do we take care of orphans today? Through foster care.’

God has welcomed us into his family, so this reflects the love God has shown to us.” Megan Rosser

 “Not everyone can care for babies but we can... It is a real joy to see a baby reach milestones, especially after they’ve had such hard starts to life. To see them through the hard times and see them start to engage, we are really seeing them be who they are meant to be.”

Saying Goodbye

Both the Rossers agree that saying farewell to foster children is one of the hardest elements of the role. “We get very sad when they leave because we invest so deeply and love them so deeply,” Megan says. “But that’s okay. Sadness is not a reason to not foster. We’ll be okay. They need a home with love.” Adds Gavin: “It’s also hard not knowing what family they’ll go to once they leave. Will their next family be good or bad? The uncertainty is hard.”

Fostering is a ministry that involves the whole family.

Gavin and Megan Rosser are thankful for the way in which it has helped their family serve together.

“Our children love it,” Megan Rosser says.

“It helps them to understand that they have something to give – that they can share their family. They can share their time and their love.”