Thanks to modern technology, I am quickly writing this from the middle of [the national church’s top decision-making body] General Synod Standing Committee being held in Melbourne this weekend.

I have just been listening to a moving report on the terrible fires that took place in Victoria last weekend and the church’s involvement. Our Primate, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall, mentioned what he thought was a really good book and web site on ministry in major disasters. I think you will be impressed with the resources at [url=][/url]

It is clear that theological issues have been raised by the fires and some statements about them. I recommend readers read the opinion article in Melbourne’s The Age newspaper of February 12: ‘Failing to understand the nature of an understanding God’ by Barney Zwartz the Age Religion affairs writer.  On Pastor Danny Nalliah’s claim that he had a dream that showed that the Victorian bushfires are God’s judgment because of Victoria’s abortion law changes, Barney writes: “It is simply colossal arrogance to presume to speak for God in this way. To understand God fully, one would have to be God "” his thoughts are not our thoughts, the prophet Isaiah says.”

It’s a very thoughtful piece, worth reflecting on in more depth.

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