Lovers of reading on paper can rejoice at the return to churches this weekend of the Sydney Diocese’s news magazine Southern Cross – which has been only available online since the March edition of 2020, after COVID-19 closed churches.

“Many of our readers just love the look and feel of print,” says Russell Powell, CEO of Anglican Media, which publishes the magazine. “Although we have content across the various online platforms such as, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, people keep coming back to a curated magazine.”

He adds: “I’m reminded of that viral video 10 years ago showing a little girl trying to swipe and pinch the pages of a magazine, before declaring that the iPad wasn’t working. Likewise, reading on an iPad can sometimes be frustrating and you just want paper.”

...for those who prefer the printed page, this is a welcome return! - Archbishop Davies

The first print edition for nearly a year features an update on arrangements for the Archbishop’s election, mission and world news, plus helpful articles on personal Bible reading.

Among the first to take a copy was Archbishop Davies, who admitted that during lockdown he printed out the online version because he found it easier to read.

“It is a joy to me, as I’m sure it is to all Anglicans in Sydney, to see Southern Cross back in printed form. While we are grateful to the editorial team in keeping the magazine published month by month on a digital platform, for those who prefer the printed page, this is a welcome return!”

Church members can take the latest Southern Cross when visiting those who have not yet been able to return to physical church meetings.

Problems with your supply of Southern Cross? Please email us. The electronic version is here.