Australian aid agency World Vision has appointed Sydney Anglican Anne Robinson to be its next Chairman, making her the first woman to be elected to this position.

Ms Robinson says she is humbled by the appointment, which was confirmed by the World Vision board late last week.

"I’m very honoured by the confidence shown in me by the other members of the board," she says "And I’m looking forward to working with our chief executive, the Rev Tim Costello, in this capacity."

"It's a significant responsibility and I take it very seriously. For me it’s part of my Christian ministry."

Taking the position seriously will mean facing two significant challenges for the organisation.

Ms Robinson says World Vision is focussed on honing the level of co-operation required by recent tragedies in the Asia and the Pacific.

"One of the biggest tests we face is addressing issues of how we work together with government and other aid groups, and also part of the World Vision International partnership, facing challenges like what the tsunami threw up for us," she says.

The new chairman says the other challenge is far closer to home.

"We have a unique opportunity to engage with the Australian community as a Christian organisation," Ms Robinson says.

"We are an overseas aid organisation, but the reason we do it is because as Christians we are called to care for the orphans and widows, the hungry, the thirsty. I look forward to continuing to build good partnership relationships with the church as we help to provide a way to do this."

Ms Robinson has been expanding her personal knowledge of World Vision’s international work with a recent trip to AIDS-devestated Africa.

In Zambia she journeyed to shanti towns surrounding the capital of Lusaka to meet women like Mary Mwanza, who is suffering from both AIDS and active tuberculosis.

Mary is caring for eight children - some orphans, some her own - after her husband died from AIDS.

Ms Robinson’s church, St Alban’s Lindfield, worked with World Vision to build her a new house in time for last Christmas.

Ms Robinson says her passion for the Christian foundation of World Vision's aid work is reflected in the agency's mission statement:

"Our vision for every child: life in all its fullness.
Our prayer for every heart: the will to make it so.'

"It's not just a slogan," she is at pains to point out.

"It is a very deliberate and carefully thought out reflection on Jesus' words in John 10:10."

"It relates not just to physical fullness but fullness as Jesus promised it. Our role is to engage with the Australian community as Christians putting our faith into action."

Ms Robinson's appointment follows five years of working as a member of the World Vision board.

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