The church will never be able to reach the Diocesan Mission goal!

I say this not because I don't believe in the power of God as He works through His church, but because we misunderstand what the church is.

So often we think that ministry is done by "the church" and the mission will be achieved by "the church" " and so the church becomes a thing which exists to accomplish tasks. Have you heard yourself or others say "the church should do" .".

The church is not a "thing" you can point to; an entity independent of you. It is the congregation of God's people gathered around Him, and so if our mission goal is to be reached under God, it will not be a "structure" which accomplishes the task. It will be people; people in partnership with each other. We must all become gospel partners with each other and with God.

That means we cannot leave the task to others or to institutions. As God calls us to Himself, He also calls us to work with and for each other. This is why He blesses us with our abilities. As 1 Cor 12: 7 says, all gifts are given by our God in trinity for the common good.

So here are some things that might be helpful for pastors and gospel partners alike as we live for Jesus and carry on the mission.

Each one of us should make a list of
1. The areas we need to grow in this year
2. The things we are capable of doing
3. The needs of the church I can fill given my capabilities.
4. The new things which can be done given my capabilities
Then we need to talk to pastor about working together this year.

If you are a pastor, it would be helpful to discuss with each of our partners these things and develop a plan together of how we can work to see each other grow more like Christ, and serve His people given the gifts He has bestowed.

It would be good then, at the end of the year to meet again and review how the year has gone, and to think on how to minister together in the coming year.

As we work together in God's field, He will give the growth and grow His church.