The Wonderful World of CS Lewis' Narnia is a series of Bible studies for adults and teenagers written by Linda and Robert Banks and based on CS Lewis' The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe.

The five part guide has been released by the Bible Society NSW as part of a campaign to capitalise on current interest in all things Narnian, sparked by the recent film release.

"Linda and Robert Banks have spent many years helping people to understand and creatively use The Chronicles of Narnia and other writings of C.S. Lewis," said Bible Society NSW CEO, Daniel Willis.

"In this new book, they build on their experience as authors and communicators to create a study series with strong Biblical scholarship, in-depth questions and practical application."

The book follows a range of other Narnia based resources published and/or distributed by Bible Society NSW in conjunction with the release of the film.

These include The Truth Inside the Fiction, a 16 page booklet that brings Biblical material into conversation with this well loved story also prepared by the Banks.

Walking with Giants tells the story of a late night walk in Oxford during which JR Tolkien encouraged CS Lewis to consider the truth of Christian faith.

Dr Graham Cole, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Chicago is extremely pleased with this latest publication.

"This is a first rate study guide,” Dr Cole says.

“With a judicious mix of carefully selected quotes from Lewis himself and insightful questions the guide provides an excellent avenue of entry into the world of Narnia and then helps us reconnect with our world in fresh ways.

“The guide helps us see how indeed CS Lewis has been rightly described as "the apostle to the imagination'."

For more information on The wonderful world of CS Lewis’ Narnia and other publications mentioned above, visit the Bible Society’s online shop or call 1300 766 963.

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