Am I the only one, or is most modern Christian music these days rubbish?

It could be that I am just getting old and my senses dull and so little in life now excites me. But I tell you this: I find as I move around the churches, contemporary Christian music certainly doesn't. 

And it's not just me. This view seems very widespread.

I was at a funeral recently in a Roman Catholic church. Many people were at it, including quite a number of non-Christians. The songs were also of a modern type, surprisingly. And very hard to sing or understand. The vibe from the attendees was: “Nice funeral, sorry about the music”. Maybe that is a special case, I admit.

It is not as though I am against contemporary music.

When I was a rector, I initiated significant changes to bring in new styles of music and good music groups, even to the point of having a major fight with the then organist. And when I won I also employed a part-time paid music director.

So what has occurred in Christian music that makes so much of it, so very average these days? So few tunes are singable, or memorable. And so few words are poetically inspiring and uplifting. And some of them are just terrible. 

The other day I was in church where we sung how “beautiful” Jesus was, and then that he was "the best".  (Shades of Cole Porter, "You're the Tops".) 

I am aware that I may just be looking back to an illusory good old days. Nevertheless I am getting more and more disturbed that when I want to hear some really great hymns sung really well, I now find that I can only go to the Anglo-Catholic churches in the city of Sydney. 

Where is really good Anglican evangelical singing these days?

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