With just days to go before New South Wales Upper House MP's vote on the Bill which would allow abortion right up until birth, a rally has been told Legislation to outlaw cruelty to chickens was given more consideration.
With just days to go before New South Wales Upper House MP's vote on the Bill which would allow abortion right up until birth, a rally has been told Legislation to outlaw cruelty to chickens was given more consideration.
In order to hold on to the salvation we have in Christ, we must cling to the Bible
The people of St Mark’s, Granville have welcomed 44 new adult members plus children
Archbishop Glenn Davies has warned of the dangers of the Abortion Bill currently before Parliament, urging Christians show support for the life of the unborn before the Upper House considers the Bill.
The Archbishop of Sydney has issued a statement in response to a vote by the Synod of the Diocese of Wangaratta to authorise a service to bless civil marriages.
The Bishop Election Board in the Diocese of Bathurst has announced that the Reverend Mark Calder has been elected as the next bishop.
Undergirding these remarks was the fundamental truth that all humans are made in the image of God
The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, has welcomed the release of the Federal Government’s draft Religious Discrimination Bill but cautions more work is needed on the detail of the Bill.
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