Whatever else soldiers may understand about God, they get the idea of sacrifice – probably a good deal more clearly than those who pursue other careers.
Whatever else soldiers may understand about God, they get the idea of sacrifice – probably a good deal more clearly than those who pursue other careers.
Although Halloween is a time of celebrating things of the dark, some are using it to share the light of Jesus.
The heads of the 34 Sydney Anglican schools have written an Open Letter to MPs, calling on Parliament to continue anti-discrimination exemptions which allow schools to main their Christian ethos and mission.
"I came to understand that sin is ignoring God and continuing to live life my own way despite knowing him. Since I came to know God, I have become aware of countless examples of his grace."
Archbishop Glenn Davies has signalled continued support for the campaign to remove children from immigration detention on the island of Nauru.
A motion on the issue of Divorce and Remarriage after Domestic Abuse has been approved by Synod, requesting bishops take domestic violence into consideration in remarriage applications.
A policy for the use of church property has been passed by the Synod after amendments to clarify the scope and implementation of the policy.
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