2007 Sydney Anglican Synod commences meeting today
The Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney will meet today at 3.15pm in the Wesley Theatre, 220 Pitt Street, Sydney.
Synod will also meet on Tuesday 18th, Wednesday 19th, Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th September.
The Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen is the President of Sydney Synod and he will preside at each day's meeting.
Dr Jensen will present his Presidential Address to the Synod this afternoon, at 4.00pm.
There are a number of topics of interest on the First Day's Business Paper, including:
Motions on Climate Change, and Government intervention on Child Abuse, both to be debated after 7.00pm on Wed 19th September;
Debate on the Connect 09 Bill to promote Bible distribution and the communication of the Christian gospel across Sydney, 4.30pm Tues 18th Sept;
Diocesan Policy Statement on Education, after 7.00pm Tues 16th Sept;
Debate on the General Synod's National Register of child and sex abuse allegations, 4.30pm on Monday 24th Sept;
Debate on various private member's motions, including "The Biblical Pattern of Marriage".
Each day's agenda items will be notified to Media.
CONTACT: Margaret Rodgers (W) 02 9265 1507 (Mobile) 0411 692 499
Embargoed copies of Archbishop Jensen's Presidential Address will be available to media upon request from 12 noon on Monday 17th.
Media are invited to film, record and photograph Synod proceedings after contact with Margaret Rodgers