Archbishop Jensen ‘Somewhat Heartened’ By Pm’s Proposal On Embryonic Stem Cell Research
While disappointed that the Prime Minister has not proposed a ban on embryonic stem cell research, the Archbishop of Sydney, Peter Jensen, is ‘somewhat heartened’ that the use of unwanted human embryos from the IVF program will be strictly regulated.
“God says in the Bible that it is wrong for the powerful to exploit vulnerable human beings and I believe it is wrong for adults to take advantage of human embryos. I do not accept the argument that human life begins at 14 days nor that claims of possible distant therapeutic benefit is a valid justification for exploiting the weak.
“However it is heartening that the Prime Minister is encouraging the Premiers to place strict limits on the types of research that can take place. I would hope the State Premiers see the wisdom of having uniform national laws that ban the creation of embryos for research purposes. Without such limitations we will have turned human life into a commodity.
“I also welcome the ban on therapeutic and reproductive cloning because it clearly signals to scientists that there must be limits to their experimentation on human beings.
“I am particularly glad to hear that the Prime Minister wants to encourage adult stem-cell research – which is both ethically sustainable and appears to hold the most promise for positive therapeutic outcomes for those people suffering incurable diseases.
“I would encourage our political leaders to consider seriously what practical form this encouragement should take and whether tax breaks for adult stem cell research is appropriate.”
Archbishop Jensen also welcomed the Prime Ministers’ support for a conscience vote in parliament on the issue.
CONTACT: Margaret Rodgers
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