Statement from the Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen on the announcement of the 104th Archbishop
Archbishop Rowan Williams, Primate of Wales, is to be the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury. This is an historic and preeminent role in the leadership and life of the worldwide Anglican Communion which makes many demands upon the incumbent in the office.
Dr Williams is a distinguished theologian with great intellectual and academic gifts. He understands the need to explain and commend the Christian faith to this present generation, and upholds the biblical view of such significant Christian doctrines as the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ and the virgin birth.
The Anglican Communion presently faces certain difficulties of relationship, of authority, and of questioning of long-held Scriptural teaching. Anglicans will pray that, during his episcopate in the See of Canterbury, Archbishop Williams will lead the Communion in faithful adherence to the teaching of the Scripture, especially in regard to the Biblical teaching on marriage and family.
Dr Williams and his wife, Jane, have two young children, Rhiannon (14) and Pip (6). We Anglicans must also pray for this family as they face the inevitable demands there will be on their life together.
CONTACT: Margaret Rodgers
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