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Media release

New church to use cutting-edge technology to spread age old message

A new Anglican Church will be launched in the growing Macarthur suburb of Harrington Park this Sunday, September 8.

“This initiative is in line with our vision to reach new communities in our region with the good news of Jesus,” said the Rev Michael Blake, senior minister of the Anglican Parish of Narellan which covers the suburbs of Narellan, Cobbity, Mt Annan, Spring Farm, Elderslie and Harrington Park.

Harrington Park Anglican Church will meet in the recently opened Harrington Park Primary School. It is the first church of any denomination meeting in the suburb.

And it is no accident that the congregation will meet in the school.

The ministry of this ‘church plant’ is designed to be especially relevant to today’s Australian families, said minister of the new congregation, the Rev Stefan Bull.

“Our vision is to ‘Build Christ’s Church by Proclaiming God’s Word’. The Bible speaks of a genuine relationship with God that is only made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus. This life saving message may be the same, but the methods we use to communicate this message need to change with the needs of our community,” he said.

The time of the church service is 5:00pm and has been especially chosen to appeal to local families.

“We have found that this has been a great strategy as many people want to sleep in on Sunday mornings because they work six days a week or involved all day on Saturday with their children’s sport. And an evening congregation is not appropriate because parents have to get home to put their children to bed.”

They will also be holding a BBQ every week after the church service and there is also a children’s program and créche.

Mr Bull said the plan is to make the church as ‘up to date’ and relevant to today’s Australians as possible.

He will use a data projector to show clips from movies, TV and advertising to help illustrate his sermons. And the computer program ‘Powerpoint’ will be used in place of the more traditional hymn books and prayer books.


CONTACT: The Rev Stefan Bull on 4651 2226




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