Friday, 7 March 7 Mar

Media release

Special prayers for Bali victims at Synod service today


Special prayers will be said for the victims of the Bali bombings at the church service for the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, today, in the Wesley Centre, 220 Pitt Street.

The Synod church service will follow Archbishop Peter Jensen’s Presidential Address at approximately 4.45pm.

In the Presidential Address beginning at 3.15pm, Archbishop Peter Jensen will set out the rationale behind a comprehensive strategy seeing 10 per cent of Sydney’s population in ‘Bible-believing churches’ in 10 years.

The Synod will be held in the Wesley Centre, on October 14, 15, 16, 21 and 22.

Other issues on the agenda include:
- the war on Iraq;
- embryonic stem-cell legislation;
- mandatory detentions for asylum seekers; and
- recruiting Christians to work in Anglican schools.

These issues are raised as private members motions that will be debated from 3.15pm to 4pm on Wednesday, October 16, Monday, October 21 and Tuesday, October 22.

Margaret Rodgers 9265 1507 (w) 0411 692 499 (m)
Jeremy Halcrow 9265 1518 (w) 0412 793 441 (m)
Geoff Robson 9265 1508 (w) 0403 195 841 (m)




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