Anglican Synod expresses its opposition to embryonic stem cell research
Sydney Anglicans have spoken out against the moral shift in society that has led to public support for embryonic stem cell research.
The motion was passed with overwhelming support at last night’s meeting of the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.
The motion says that society has shifted towards a utilitarian mindset, which allows evil to happen when there is a possibility of good resulting. This is in contrast to the once commonly held Judeo-Christian values that recognise life, including unborn life, as a valuable gift from God to be afforded all possible protection.
“This synod continues to recognise the uniqueness of each individual as being created by God in his own image and that any proposed starting point for life, other than conception, is arbitrary,” the motion said. (full text of motion follows)
Full text of the motions reads:
Embryonic Stem Cell Research
This Synod:
a) congratulates the House of Representatives on their decision to ban human cloning,
b) gives thanks for the many members of the Diocese who have prayed and taken action on the issue of embryonic stem cell research, including writing to their Federal MPs,
c) expresses its thanks and support to community and political leaders who have spoken out of their Christian conviction against the commodification and destruction of human life,
d) continues to recognise the uniqueness of each individual as a being created by God in his own image and that any proposed starting point for life, other than conception, is arbitrary,
e) rejects the philosophical shift in our society towards utilitarianism rather than the once commonly held Judeo-Christian values that seek to protect life. As the Apostle Paul writes in Romans, we are never justified in doing evil so that good may result,
f) asks the Social Issues Executive to continue its work on this issue.
The Synod also offered its congratulations to the House of Representatives for its decision to ban human cloning earlier this year.
Later this week, the Synod will debate a motion urging the Senate to ban embryonic stem cell research will be debated in upcoming Synod meetings.
Anglican Synod criticises NSW Parliament for redefining marriage
The Synod also criticised the NSW Parliament for its decision to redefine the term ‘spouse’ in a number of bills to include de facto and same-sex relationships.
The motion, argued that the decision took place without adequate community consultation.
“This synod calls on the NSW Government in future, to legislate in a manner which retains terminology distinguishing between spouse and parties to a de facto relationship.” (full text of the motion follows)
Full text of the motions reads:
Redefinition of the term ‘spouse’
This Synod:
a) expresses its dismay at the recent decision of NSW Parliament to redefine the term ‘spouse’ in certain legislation to include parties to a de facto relationship;
b) expresses its strong concern about the redefinition of the meaning of ‘spouse’ beyond the ordinary meaning of the term as party to a marriage;
c) argues that this shift in terms has happened over a period of time without adequate community consultation;
d) while acknowledging the existence of alternative living arrangements and the justice, which should be accorded to people who live in the context of such relationships, continues to uphold the Bible’s teaching on marriage as a monogamous, lifelong commitment between a male and female which should therefore receive special recognition by the state; and
e) calls on the NSW Government in future, to legislate in a manner which retains terminology distinguishing between spouses and parties to a de facto relationship.
The Synod upheld its stance, based on the Bible, that marriage is a monogamous, life-long commitment between a male and female.
The Synod resumes today at 3pm in the Wesley Centre, 220 Pitt Street, and The Synod will continue to meet in the Wesley Centre on October 16, 21 and 22.
Margaret Rodgers
9265 1505 (w) 0411 692 499 (m)
Jeremy Halcrow
9265 1518 (w) 0412 793 441 (m)
Amy Butler
9265 1536 (w) 0409 120 076 (m)