Anglican Synod approves tougher sex abuse rules
Extended applause from members greeted the passing of tougher sex abuse rules by the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney last night.
The Diocese of Sydney had originally passed church laws to deal with sexual abuse by churchworkers in the wake of Wood Royal Commission in 1996.
In moving the new church law – the Church Discipline Ordinance 2002 – Diocesan Advocate Garth Blake SC, said that while the 1996 legislation had been ‘generally’ effective ‘experience has pointed out areas for improvement’.
Mr Blake said that experience in the Anglican Diocese of Brisbane and elsewhere had shown that the Anglican Church had to be tougher on pre-ordination behaviour and there has to be mandatory investigation of all allegations, whether they occurred within a Diocese’s jurisdiction or not.
The substantive changes to Sydney Diocese’s rules are:
- Physical and other non-sexual child abuse are now mandatory grounds for investigating churchworkers and will lead to clergy being defrocked if found guilty./li>
- ‘Unacceptable behaviour’ prior to ordination or appointment to a position within the Diocese of Sydney is now also mandatory grounds for investigation and disciplinary action if found guilty./li>
- The process of investigation is now independent of the Archbishop of Sydney. The Director of the Professional Standards Unit will be able to perform tasks previously reserved only for the Archbishop such as appointing a church tribunal to prosecute an allegation against a churchworker. /li>
- Concilliation in less serious cases with strict safeguards to ensure against intimidation. /li>
- A panel of advisors with a range of relevant professional expertise will assist the Director of the Professional Standards Unit and the Archbishop in their decision making./li>
In seconding the motion, the Bishop of North Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, said Christians have a duty to protect the vulnerable. “We must seek righteousness and justice, and do that in a way that would honour the Lord Jesus Christ,” he said.
Next week Synod is likely to approve a proposal to provide extra funds to the Professional Standards Unit so it can employ a pastoral worker to care for those affected by abuse cases.
Margaret Rodgers (w) 9265 1507 (m) 0411 692 499
Jeremy Halcrow (w) 9265 1518 (m) 0412 793 441
Geoff Robson (w) 9265 1508 (m) 0403 195 841