Friday, 7 March 7 Mar

Media release

Fred Nile’s remarks about Muslims “undermine religious freedom”: Bishop Forsyth

The Anglican Church in Sydney has distanced itself from remarks made by Christian Democrat leader, the Rev Fred Nile, that the Muslim hajib should be banned in public places.

The Bishop of South Sydney, Robert Forsyth, said such over-the-top demands only squeeze measured and constructive religious discourse out of the public sphere to the detriment of the entire community.

“It is very disappointing that a Christian minister elected to NSW parliament and claiming to represent the Christian community would make such comments. It demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of the nature of religious freedom in a liberal-democratic society,” he said.

“Our gracious God demands that Christians go the extra mile to love their Muslim neighbours. In no way should we be advocating laws that strip Muslims of their freedoms just so that the Christian community will feel more comfortable.”

Bishop Forsyth has extensively researched the issue of religious freedom and has written papers on this subject. His 2001 Acton Lecture for the Centre of Independent Studies addressed this issue.

Bishop Robert Forsyth:
0438 148 591 (mobile)




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