Friday, 7 March 7 Mar

Media release

That Everyone Will Hear His call To Repent, Trust and Serve Christ - Bible Study 5

<b> Romans 10:5-17 </b>

Paul told the people of Athens: “God commands all people everywhere to repent.” (Acts 17:31, Mark 1:14-15).  The gospel is universal.  It does not discriminate between races or language groups or any other human diversities.  If we wish to be involved in God’s gospel ministry, we too need to be universal in our outlook and not restricted to people of our own kind, race or class.  We cannot be satisfied with the penetration achieved by the gospel in this Diocese.  There are too few people; we are restricted to the professional and middle class; we are too limited to European and English tribes.  A commitment by us to this mission is a commitment to all people that they will at least hear the gospel in its true form.  The repentance that Paul and Jesus speak of in these texts is the repentance of faith.  That is, the first action is to put our trust and confidence in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the one mediator between God and humankind.

Archbishop Peter Jensen – Presidential Address to Synod – 2001

For Discussion

“  If we wish to be involved in God’s gospel ministry, we too need to be universal in our outlook and not restricted to people of our own kind, race or class.  .”  Would you agree?  Do Anglicans in Sydney tend to be restricted to English / European tribes and the professional / middle class?

“… the first action is to put our trust and confidence in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the one mediator between God and humankind.”  Why is this the first and most important thing for anyone?

<font color=”#BE2131”> Romans 10:5-17 </font>

Getting started

Can you remember how you became a Christian?
- How old were you?
- How did you hear about Jesus?
- Who shared the gospel with you?
- How did you respond?
Can you share your story with your group?

Did you get it?

What is the difference between the two kinds of “righteousness” described in 10:5-6?

In Romans 10:6-8 Paul quotes from Deuteronomy 30:11-14 to show how God has made righteousness readily available.  What does Paul mean by going up into heaven to bring Christ down or going down into the abyss to bring Christ up?  Why is this not necessary?

According to Romans 10:9-11, what do you have to do to be saved?
- What is the great confession of the Christian faith?
- Why is belief in the resurrection crucial? (see Romans 1:4)

In Romans 10:11 Paul quotes from Isaiah 28:16 (compare 9:33).  What promise is given to those who believe in the Lord Jesus?

In Romans 10:12-13 Paul quotes Joel 2:32.  Which “Lord” was Joel referring to?  Which “Lord” is Paul talking about?  Who can be saved by calling on the Lord’s name?

In Romans 10:14-16 Paul works backwards from “calling on the Lord” to the steps that come before it.  What different steps must take place if people are to be saved?  Why is each step important?

Look at Paul’s conclusion in Romans 10:17.  What does Paul mean by “faith” in this verse? (compare 10:6, 9-10).  What message do people need to hear to come to a saving faith?

Think it through

Is salvation really as easy as believing and confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord? (see Romans 10:9-10)  Have you ever done this?

If believing in the Lordship of Christ is the way people are saved, is there salvation to be found in other religions?  Why or why not?

According to Romans 10:17, faith comes through hearing the word of Christ.
- Does that ring true in your own experience?
- What is the most important thing you can do for those people that you want to be saved?
- What is the role of the word of God in mission?

“And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him?”  (Romans 10:14).  It’s a good question!
- What are the implications for us as individuals?
- What are the implications for our church?

Look carefully at Romans 10:11-13 and the stress on “anyone” and “everyone”.  If there really is no distinction between Jews and Greeks or anyone else, what does this mean for the scope of our church’s programmes of evangelism and mission?

by Stephen Fifer
The Rev Stephen Fifer is the rector of Caringbah Anglican Church

<p><strong>&raquo; <a href=”/index.php/article/articleview/606/1/12/”>In Prayerful
  Dependence on the Holy Spirit: Bible Study 1</a></strong></p>
<p><strong>&raquo; <a href=”/index.php/article/articleview/607/1/12/”>Awaiting
  the Lord&#8217;s Return - Bible Study 2</a></strong></p>
<p><strong>&raquo; <a href=”/index.php/article/articleview/608/1/12/”>To be Established
  in the Fellowship of Jesus&#8217; Disciples - Bible Study 3</a></strong></p>
<p><strong>&raquo; <a href=”/index.php/article/articleview/609/1/12/”>Proclaiming
  our saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ - Bible Study 4</a></strong></p>
<p><strong>&raquo; <a href=”/index.php/article/articleview/610/1/12/”>That Everyone
  Will Hear His call To Repent, Trust and Serve Christ - Bible Study 5</a></strong></p>




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