Friday, 7 March 7 Mar

Media release

Anglicare Sydney clarifies position on Govt’s intervention in the NT

Peter Kell, CEO of Anglicare Sydney moved today to provide some clarity and correction to some erroneous impressions that may have been gained about Anglicare Sydney through an opinion column written by SMH columnist Miranda Devine (28/6/07).

Devine's column railed against "caring organisations' who criticized the Prime Minister, particularly for his government's initiatives in response to the Little Children are Sacred report.

Among the groups she mentioned is "Anglicare'.

Mr Kell emphasises that his organisation Anglicare Sydney is fully supportive of the concern of Prime Minister John Howard and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Mal Brough, which has led to the present actions.

"We are convinced by the cogent arguments of northern Queensland leader Noel Pearson and also other indigenous leaders who have been calling for serious and sustained Federal intervention to address the ongoing issues of child abuse and neglect in some indigenous communities," Mr Kell said. "We also welcome the bipartisan support from the Leader of the Opposition."

"Our hope is that the current initiative by the Federal Government will be successful and that it will be further enhanced with additional, long-term measures to improve health, education and employment opportunities for people in isolated and remote communities, and that these communities themselves will be consulted and fully engaged as agents of change."

Anglicare Australia is an umbrella organisation that covers many Anglican Church of Australia caring organisations. However each of these groups, including Anglicare Sydney, is autonomous.

Statements from Anglicare Australia do not always represent the views of its constituent bodies, as in this case.

In this particular matter, Anglicare Sydney makes quite clear its strong support of the Prime Minister, the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, and the Leader of the Opposition as they work to deal with these serious issues that must be recognised and dealt with by our entire Australian community.

CONTACT: Jim Wackett 0408 426 381




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