Friday, 7 March 7 Mar

Media release

Archbishop announces new diocesan chancellor

The Archbishop has announced that Acting Judge Peter Grogan has accepted his invitation to become Chancellor of the Diocese of Sydney for the next three years. 

In speaking to the Standing Committee, Dr Jensen continued: " I am grateful that Judge Grogan was willing to fill the role of Acting Chancellor over the past three months, and I have been glad of the advice that he has given me."

Judge Grogan served for many years as a Barrister and then as a District Court Judge. 

On his retirement, he spent a year studying at Moore Theological College.  In addition, he holds degrees in Arts, Law, and Economics. 

He and his wife Val are committed members of the congregation at St Swithun's Pymble, where Peter serves as part of the ministry team with a particular focus on evangelism. 

He is a Diocesan Reader, and preaches regularly in church.

Peter has considerable knowledge of the Diocese, serving as a member of our Synod, and filling a particularly valuable role chairing the hearings of the Diocesan Tribunal since 2000.

The Archbishop concluded his remarks about Judge Grogan with these words:  "He is noted for his integrity and probity.  I value his maturity, godliness, and wisdom.  I know that I will be able to count on him to give me wise and sensible counsel. "

As an interesting sidelight to the history of the diocese, Judge Grogan's late father-in-law, Mr Justice Norman Jenkyn was a long-standing Chancellor of the Diocese of Sydney.

CONTACT:  Margaret Rodgers (W) 02 9265 1507   (mobile) 0411 692 499




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