Friday, 7 March 7 Mar

Media release

Archbishop Jensen writes to Federal MPs calling for reasoned debate on RU486

Archbishop Jensen writes to Federal MPs concerning Debate on RU486, and calls for a reasoned and civilised debate in the Senate

Dr Peter Jensen, Anglican Archbishop of Sydney has written to Members of Parliament concerning the upcoming debate in the Senate on the Private Member's Bill that would take approvals of the drug away from ministerial decisions and place them in the hands of unaccountable officials as in the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

Archbishop Jensen has indicated his opposition to the proposed change and urged the Federal Parliament to reject it.

He wrote with the awareness that other Church leaders had written in a similar fashion.

"Leaving aside the broader question of abortion, it does seem that RU486 is a unique drug, the distribution of which raises complex social, ethical and policy issues," the Archbishop wrote.

"I urge you not to support this bill as it currently stands."

Speaking today, Archbishop Jensen said, "I understand that there is informed opinion from some medical experts that there is evidence that the lives of some women who have taken this drug have been placed at risk.

“For this reason I believe that easy access to the drug is ill advised and that we need to maintain the present policy that is based on a far more cautious approach."

"This is a matter that is of great interest to the Australian public who will be observing this debate carefully," Dr Jensen continued.

"I call on the Senators therefore to ensure that there is reasoned and civilised debate on the Bill and that they refrain from cheap political point scoring and hectoring of others as they debate this matter that is so immediately germane to the lives and health of many women."

CONTACT:  Margaret Rodgers (W) 02 9265 1507   (mobile) 0411 692 499




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