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Media release

Archbishop’s Christmas Message 2017

Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney
2017 Christmas Message

Twitter now seems to be the preferred method of communication for at least one of our world leaders. 

With a limit of 280 characters–it is difficult to say much–let alone explain anything complex.  Who knows what might happen if the leader of another country takes something the wrong way?

God’s communication with us–the Bible–stretches to more than three and a half million characters.

But what would that be if we tweeted it?  Let me try.

God creates the world We rebel God sends his Son Jesus into our world to be born in a stable + grow up to die on a cross but that’s not the end He defeats death + is raised to life offering every1 freedom from death. In short—a baby born in a shed saves the world #canyoubelieveit
That’s the sweetest tweet you’ll ever hear—but this Christmas, why not get the full picture by reading the Gospel of Luke in a modern version of the Bible.  It won’t take you long.

Happy Christmas!

Dr Glenn N Davies
Archbishop of Sydney
Christmas 2017

The main service at St Andrew’s Anglican Cathedral, Sydney Square (next to the Town Hall) on Christmas Day will be at 10am led by the Dean, the Very Revd Kanishka Raffel. Dr Davies will preach at the service. Filming points and audio will be available. To arrange coverage or to access photos or broadcast video and audio call the Archbishop’s Media Adviser, Russell Powell on 0411 692 499 or email.




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