Friday, 10 January 10 Jan

Media release

Choir of Westminster Abbey visits St Andrew’s Cathedral this Sunday

The Choir of Westminster Abbey will visit the 10:30am service this Sunday, October 21 at St Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney.

The Choir will join the St Andrew's Cathedral choir in singing at least one song during the service.

“This is the only church service they're singing in and we are really happy they're singing with us. It is a rare privilege,” says the Cathedral’s director of music, Ross Cobb.

The Choir performed on Wednesday at a press conference at the Cathedral, and have been billeted by host families from St Andrew's Cathedral School. They have also performed twice at the Sydney Opera House.

The Choir will travel to Brisbane for the next leg of their tour, before performing in Canberra, Adelaide, Melbourne and Perth.

The touring party includes 20 boy sopranos, 12 lay vicars, and the Abbey's organist and sub-organist.

The Choir of Westminster Abbey has existed in its current form since 1560. Today the choristers are educated at the Westminster Abbey Choir School.

The Choir will be in Australia until 30 October.

For more information please contact St Andrew’s Cathedral’s Director of Music, Ross Cobb on 0422 828 962.




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