Sunday, 22 December 22 Dec

Media release

Easter Message 2021

Anglican Diocese of Sydney

Archbishop’s Easter Message 2021

How different will our celebrations of Easter be this year, from 2020.

Last year we stayed at home. No church gatherings as extreme social distancing kept us apart.

What a joy it is to be close to one another this Easter. For it is the celebration of God drawing close to us. After all, he sent his son Jesus to live among us. 

The places where he walked and taught and healed are still there today. Two millennia later, the Bible is the most widely distributed book in history, telling the news of the crucifixion of Jesus and his rising again on the third day. 

Jesus is the only one who has ever beaten death.  Because of that, he opens the door for us to live with him forever.

Don’t let this Easter pass you by without coming near to God as he has drawn near to you. He invites you into his family. Don’t practise social distancing with God – now is the time to turn back to him.

May God bless you and keep you safe, now and forever.

Dr Glenn N Davies
Easter 2021




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