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Media release

Greens’ position in NSW state election

Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney

Dr Philip Selden
Diocesan Registrar and Archbishop's Executive Officer

March 16, 2007

All Parish Clergy & Heads of Anglican Schools

Dear Friends

re   NSW State Election

The NSW State Election is imminent.  It is right that each person entitled to vote should assess the policies of political parties and individual candidates in deciding how to vote.  It is not appropriate for the church to direct how its members vote. 

However, when a political party publicizes a policy which has implications for the church and its members, it is important for that to be known.

Environmental issues are important to a great many people, as they are to the Greens and indeed to other political parties. Those are not the only issues on which the Greens have a position.  Lee Rhiannon MLC of the Greens NSW, published a media release statement dated 12 March 2007.  That release reads in part:

"When Parliament resumes Greens MPs will move a private members bill on civil union to ensure legal recognition of same sex and trans-gendered relationships.

Greens MPs will also continue to push our private members bill to remove loopholes in the Anti-Discrimination Act that allow private schools and religious organisations to discriminate against gays and lesbians."

The Greens have previously attempted to change the Anti-Discrimination Act in such a way that Anglican Schools would be forced to make changes in their employment policy, and to employ people whom they may not wish to.  Clearly this restated policy has implications for our churches, schools and organizations, and it is important that our members should be aware of it.

I trust that all Christians will be continuing to pray that men and women of integrity will be elected to our State Parliament,  "that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

Yours sincerely
Philip Selden
Diocesan Registrar &
Archbishop's Executive Officer





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