Large ordination service in cathedral tomorrow
St Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, in George Street will see another very large ordination tomorrow, Saturday 3rd February, commencing at 10.00am.
This is, once again, the largest ordination service to be held in the Anglican Church of Australia this year, and indeed in other Christian denominations.
Dr Peter Jensen, the Archbishop of Sydney will ordain 40 men and six women candidates to the Diaconate in the service, and one other women will be commissioned as a Diocesan Lay Worker.
The Special Preacher at the Service will be the Rev Dr John Woodhouse, Principal of Moore Theological College where the candidates have spent either three or four years theological training in preparation for their ordained ministry.
Archbishop Jensen sees such a large number of candidates for ordination as God's provision for ordained ministry in the Diocese of Sydney.
"It is a wonderful encouragement, and a tremendous gift from God, to see so many people, both men and women, coming forward for theological training prior to being ordained for ministry in the Diocese of Sydney and in the wider Church.," he said.
"This year brings another large number of ordinands to be ordained deacon, as well as one person to be commissioned as a diocesan lay worker.
"All of them have completed either three or four years of theological training, and we believe this is a sign of God's blessing on our Diocesan Mission, in that He is giving us more workers committed to preaching and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to our community today," Dr Jensen said.
"I thank God for these ordinands and for his blessing on us in this Diocese, and pray for them and their families as they move into their appointed area of ministry."
Media are invited to film, record or photograph the service in St Andrew's Cathedral
CONTACT: Margaret Rodgers (W) 9265 1507 OR: 0411 692 499