Friday, 7 March 7 Mar

Media release

National Day of Mourning and Reflection Service at St Andrew’s Cathedral, 16th January

In response to the Prime Minister's call to the nation for a National Day of Mourning and Reflection, a special service will be held on Sunday 16th January at 10.30am in St Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, George Street Sydney.

Prime Minster John Howard will be present in the Cathedral and will deliver the reading from the New Testament during the service.

Governor of New South Wales, Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC will also be present and will deliver the reading from the Old Testament.

Archbishop Peter Jensen will be the special preacher and the service will be led by the Very Rev Phillip Jensen, Dean of Sydney.

Christians from Indonesia and Sri Lanka will be taking part in the prayers for those overseas suffering in the wake of the devastation following after the tsunami.

Since the Choir is on summer vacation the Cathedral Singers will lead the singing during the service.

The congregation's gifts for the ministry at the Cathedral at the service will be shared with the Archbishop of Sydney's Overseas Relief and Aid Fund " Tsunami Disaster Appeal.

At the conclusion of the service, refreshments for the congregation will be served in the St Andrew's Square and it is anticipated that during this time those gathered in the Square will observe the one-minute silence at 11.59am while a single bell tolls. 

Media are welcome to attend to film, record and report the service for news reporting.

CONTACT: Margaret Rodgers 0411 692 499




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