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Media release

Pastoral letter - bill on cloning

December 6, 2006

All Parish Clergy

Dear Friends

re   Bill on Cloning

As I am sure you are aware, the Senate recently passed the Bill that would allow cloning by a very narrow margin.  What was not necessarily made public is the fact that eggs could be removed from women after their death, and also harvested from dead female foetuses. 

The matter has now come to the House of Representatives, where an amendment has been moved by Mr Michael Ferguson, which would prevent the use of eggs from aborted foetuses. 

I enclose a couple of articles which give further background to this whole issue, and would encourage you and members of your congregation to write or telephone your local member expressing support for the amendment, but opposition to the Bill.

With best wishes

Yours sincerely

Philip Selden
Diocesan Registrar &
Archbishop's Executive Officer





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