Prominent Australians prepare to inspire in live events
Media Release 4/9/09
Prominent Australians prepare to inspire in live events
40 prominent Australians have come together to tell their inspiring stories in a landmark series of events.
Speakers include the inventor of the bionic ear, Graeme Clark, former Treasurer Peter Costello, league great Steve Mortimer, Australia’s first lady of style, June Dally-Watkins, rugby legend Nick Farr-Jones, former deputy Prime Minister John Anderson, archaeologist Dr Karin Sowada, World windsurfing champion Allison Shreeve and businessman Roger Corbett.
Brought together by the Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen, sixteen ‘Inspiring People’ events are planned at various locations in Sydney, North Sydney, Parramatta and Wollongong as part of the Anglican Church’s community outreach, Connect09 and the Jesus All About Life media campaign.
At each event, three high-profile speakers will tell of their life journeys and their inspiration.
"Each of these people has a distinctive story of success and failure, of faith and doubt. I hope people will be challenged and inspired. I’m grateful to each of them for taking part.” Dr Jensen says.
John Anderson views the events as very important “Julia and I once appeared as a couple on Andrew Denton’s Enough Rope, and I was astounded at the level of interest that followed. People are fascinated by life stories. Personally, I am also really keen to share and to learn from the other panellists from all walks of life - sportspeople, scientists, from business and the arts.”
For a full schedule of events and speakers see the website
Media enquiries:
Russell Powell
0411 692 499