Friday, 7 March 7 Mar

Media release

Sex offender cleared but not allowed back in Cathedral

A convicted sex offender cleared of loitering at St Andrew's Cathedral will not be allowed to attend church there again.

Magistrate Pat O'Shane dismissed the charge against Geoffrey Leonard, 71, a former member of the Cathedral, during a hearing at the Downing Centre Local Court on Tuesday.

Mr Leonard was arrested and charged with loitering on 8 September 2004 after allegedly ignoring verbal and written directives from staff not to enter the Cathedral. He was banned because of complaints from parents who said he was using his mobile phone to take photos of the choirboys and that he had approached a 12-year-old chorister and was following the choir around.

Mr Leonard was sent a letter today (January 14) confirming the exclusion.

The following is a media statement from Philip Gerber, Director of Professional Standards for the Diocese of Sydney.

From: Philip Gerber, LL.M., M.Crim.        
Director, Professional Standards Unit

11 January 2005

1. The Anglican Church welcomes everyone, including convicted persons, to attend church. However, the Church must fulfill its clear legal and moral duty to protect children. In September 2004 the St Andrew's Cathedral Chapter decided to exclude Mr Geoffrey William Leonard from the Cathedral because of several complaints, which were received from parents of child choristers. The protection of the child choristers who are under the care of the Cathedral staff had to take priority. Any risk to their safety cannot be compromised.

2. Mr Leonard is a Prohibited Person under NSW Child Protection legislation because he has been convicted of serious sexual offences with minors.

3. In 2001 a complaint was received from parents of a child chorister at the Cathedral regarding Mr Leonard. He had sent unsolicited by post to their 16 year old son at their home address a bound copy of a book written by Mr Leonard entitled Sex and Gender in 2001.

4. The book argues against traditional conservative views of sexual behaviour and in favour of what Mr Leonard describes as Boylove.

5. As a result of the parent's complaint and in order to protect the children who are members of the Cathedral choir, the then Dean, the Very Rev Boak Jobbins wrote to Mr Leonard in the following terms:
I write to advise you to ensure that you never have unsupervised contact with any of the " members of the choir. " any contact or conversation (is to be) in the presence either of the parents of the boy in question, or of the Master of Choristers, or of the Supervising Master or of one of the members of the Cathedral staff.
He was also advised not to send boys unsolicited material of any kind.

6. Mr Leonard continued to be welcome at and attend Cathedral services.

7. In August 2004 the Cathedral received the following complaints in relation to Mr Leonard from parents of choristers:
i. That he had twice taken photographs in the Cathedral of child members of the choir with a mobile phone camera;
ii. In writing, that he was following the choir around;
iii. That he had approached a 12-year-old chorister in the Cathedral on his own, shook his hand and spoke to him.

8. As a result of these complaints the Chapter decided that Mr Leonard should be excluded from the Cathedral. This was communicated in writing and verbally to Mr Leonard before the morning service on Wednesday 8th September 2004 after which Mr Leonard proceeded to enter the Cathedral.

9. After that morning service the police made the decision to arrest Mr Leonard and charge him with the matter which has been before the court.

To contact the Diocese of Sydney's Abuse Report Line call 1800 77 49 45.




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