Friday, 10 January 10 Jan

Media release

Sydney Anglican Synod meeting today

Dr Peter Jensen, Archbishop of Sydney, presides at the synod meetings.

Major items for debate today will be Connect 09 (Funding) Ordinance and the Diocesan Policy Statement on Education.

The Connect 09 Ordinance will be debated at 4.30pm this afternoon. This will be the first occasion that Synod members, both clergy and lay people, will have the opportunity to respond to the Archbishop's proposal for the communication of the Christian gospel and the distribution of Bibles in the Sydney region in 2009. The Archbishop has called on parishes to contribute $1,000 per year for three years to help fund the Bible distribution.

Diocesan Policy Statement on Education. This debate will be held after dinner this evening. This debate will be led by Dr Bryan Cowling, Director of the Anglican Education Commission and the Rev Dr Mark Thompson, Academic Registrar of Moore Theological College.

The Draft Policy Statement on Education may be found at;

Contact: Margaret Rodgers 0411 692 499




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