Synod of the Diocese of Sydney commences meeting today
The Annual Synod of the Diocese of Sydney will commence meeting today, Monday 16th October. The Synod will meet in the Wesley Theatre 220 Pitt Street, Sydney today from 3.15pm. The Synod will also convene this week on Tuesday 17th, Wednesday 18th, and next week on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th October.
Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen, will deliver his Presidential Address to Synod at 4.00pm today.**
Items of interest during the Synod include:
1. A Mission presentation for the 150th Anniversaries of Anglicare Sydney and Moore Theological College " Monday 16th October at 7.00pm, to be followed by the Synod Service
2. An Ordinance to allow Indigenous Representation on the Synod " Tuesday 17th October at 4.30pm
3. A revised Discipline Ordinance "to make provision with respect to the standard of conduct and the discipline of church workers" - this includes both clergy and lay workers. " Tuesday 17th October at 7.00pm
4. Debate on a Draft Diocesan Policy on Education, and also on the Report on Training and recruiting teachers for Church schools " Wednesday 18th October at 7.00pm
5. Discussion on matters relating to the Anglican Communion. Archbishop John Chew, the Primate of South East Asia will be present at Synod on that evening. It is anticipated that Archbishop Peter Jensen will commence this debate with a short presentation - from 8.00pm on Monday 23rd October
6. Debate on the Ordination of women to the Order of Priest. There is a Private Members Motion on the Business Paper that seeks to bring debate on this matter onto the Business of Synod. At this stage it is uncertain when it will be debated. It is possible this will be set for the afternoon of Tuesday 24th October.
Media are permitted to film, record and photograph Synod proceedings. There is a reserved area for media representatives near the entrance at the back of the Wesley Theatre. Please contact Margaret Rodgers, either before or at the Synod before undertaking any filming or photographing of the proceedings.
An embargoed copy of the Presidential Address will be available from 12 noon today. To obtain a copy, contact Margaret Rodgers (02 9265 1507 or 0411 692 499.)
A further media release will also be released today at 12 noon. This will draw attention to particular items of interest to media in the Presidential Address.
Margaret Rodgers
(O) 02 9265 1507
(Mobile) 0411 692 499
(H) 02 9560 9801