Synod to discuss diocesan education policy today
18th October, 2006
Sydney Synod to discuss diocesan education policy today
The Synod of the Diocese of Sydney will meet again from 3.15pm today in the Wesley Theatre 220 Pitt Street Sydney.
The major debate which will commence at 7.00pm will be focussed on two papers on education policy for the Diocese.
The first paper, is titled "Training and recruiting teachers for Church schools' will be debated first. Synod will be asked to agree to a motion that the recent initiatives being taken by the Anglican Education Commission in teacher education and recruitment be endorsed.
The second paper is titled Diocesan Policy on Education. This is a Draft paper brought to the Synod for debate so that opinions agreed in the Synod debate can be incorporated in the final Policy to be completed through 2007.
Debate on these two papers will be led by Dr Grant Maple, Director of the Anglican Education Commission, and Dr Bryan Cowling, Principal of Thomas Hassall Anglican College at Hoxton Park.
Synod will meet again next week on Monday 23rd October and Tuesday 24th October.
CONTACT: Margaret Rodgers (w) 9265 1507 (mobile) 0411 692 499