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Media release

The death of Billy Graham

The world has lost one of the most significant figures of the late twentieth century with the news of Billy Graham's death on 21 February in his 100th year.

Billy Graham's extensive ministry has affected the lives of millions of people around the globe, and under God, hundreds of thousands of people have been brought to faith in Jesus Christ through his anointed preaching ministry. 

We in Australia are especially grateful for his first visit to our country in 1959, where his crusade in Sydney of that year had all the hallmarks of revival with increased church attendance, increased candidates offering themselves for the ministry and a marked effect on criminal statistics with fewer crimes being committed. His visits in 1968 and 1979 were again welcomed by church leaders, which again saw an increased level of cooperation among the Churches and many people becoming Christians. 

Billy Graham was passionate about Jesus Christ and unrelenting in finding ways to persuade people to put their trust in the Saviour of the world.

We have lost a giant among us - but the angels in heaven rejoice in his arrival in his eternal home. 

Dr Glenn Davies, 

22 February, 2018 AD




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