I've experimented with a couple of tools for managing my 'to dos' - Things and TeuxDeux have received the lions share of my attention. Things had very clunky syncing between phone and computer, and TeuxDeux couldn't handle recurring tasks. So, I started to look at other options. For the last four months I've been using GQueues, and I've been very impressed. It's a web-based task management tool, with a long list of quality features. The first question many people will ask is this - how much does it cost? You can check out pricing here, but the news is good on two fronts:

  1. The free plan has all the functionality most people would want,
  2. The paid plan is only $25 per year.

Here's a quick video of the features, then read on for the 10 reasons why I use GQueues.

1. Log-in with Google I have a Google account, and GQueues allows me to log-in with this account (saving me from yet another username and password!).

2. Easy to create categories and queues I've got categories for different areas of responsibility (e.g. family, Church by the Bridge, Communicate Jesus), and within each of these, I've got queues - projects within each category. These are easy to set-up, and easy to edit.

3. Set due dates and times It's easy to add a due date, but it's also possible to add specific times and even to enable a reminder. A default reminder can also be added to all new tasks.

4. Smart queues Smart queues generate custom lists, based on the information added to the task. I use smart queues to generate a list of everything that's due today.

5. Keyboard shortcuts Save time, and add, edit and delete tasks using the keyboard.

6. Recurring tasks Unlike TeuxDeux, it's possible to create recurring tasks. This is important, because I've got 14 tasks that repeat every week - e.g. print the weekly newsletter, send out E-News, etc. Recurring tasks makes it possible to add these tasks in once, and set how often they repeat.

7. Useful task editing tools Each task can be easily edited - including adding dates, reminders, assigning the task to another person (paid version), adding sub-tasks and notes, tags and duplication.

8. Queue sharing This enables me to share a list of tasks with another person. For example, I could share a holiday planning list with my wife, or my schedule for the coming week with my boss. The paid version also allows me to assign tasks to other people.

9. Manage tasks on the go The mobile interface (it's not an app) for GQueues is fast, and makes it very easy to add tasks when I'm away from my computer.

10. Integrate tasks with Google Calendar Last but definitely not least, this is a great feature of GQueues. On the paid plan, tasks with due dates can be directly integrated with my Google Calendar. This means that I can see on my calendar when tasks are due, and plan out my weeks accordingly - a very handy feature.

What are you waiting for?! Try out GQueues for yourself. Check out the video tutorials here. What do you use for task management?

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