By Peter Tasker

I have always been aware that reading my Bible and prayer were vital for my growth and maturity as a Christian. The Way was a book that we all read and carefully studied in youth fellowship groups. Scripture Union Notes helped me keep up Bible reading, especially because they were dated and friends were keen to talk about the readings. I have always found prayer to be the area of struggle.
If you were to look on my bookshelves you would see that there is quite a collection of books on prayer. You would also notice that there are a number of recently published books, not all oldies.
As I have been reflecting on this I have realised that the times when prayer has been the greatest joy have been when I have been committed to a regular time of praying with others. My personal prayer times have flourished when my regular committed prayer times with others were flourishing; prayer triplets, 6am once a week prayer group.
At the end of May we had three places where we invited everyone to come together for a time of prayer. A handful met at each venue. I was able to spend a longer amount of time at one of the groups and found the time spent sharing in prayer was spiritually uplifting and encouraging. It forced me to rethink my priorities!
At two of the groups I shared some thoughts from 2 Thessalonians 3:1-3 – “Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you. And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men, for not everyone has faith. But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.”
I find it interesting how I don’t come to the end of a week and suddenly realise that I forgot to eat or sleep! I look after my physical needs, maybe because I know how to quickly recognize the negative effects when I don’t!  I’m not so good at caring for my spiritual needs nor recognising the negative effects when I don’t!
In this passage Paul was addressing these words to Christians and encouraging them to pray TOGETHER! I have seen afresh that personal prayer should flow from corporate prayer. Our priority as we pray together should be ‘that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured’.  We are to bear the burden together in praying for the spread of the Gospel and that the Lord would work His work of grace in the hearts of many and draw them to Himself.
Why do we need to pray together?  And ‘pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men’. We are involved in spiritual warfare. The evil one works hard at ensuring that very few of us are on the front line.
‘But the Lord is faithful’.  It is in Christ alone that we can stand, let alone move forward. It is in Christ alone that we can stand together and be used by Him for the Kingdom.
Are our Sunday services giving us the models and training for prayer needed to inform and encourage our personal prayer life? Are you making sure that you are involved in regularly praying with others so that not only your prayer life but others are being strengthened?

Peter Tasker is the Bishop of Georges River