In a world facing instability and risk, Christians have an opportunity to bear witness to the sovereign power of God.

We as a nation are entering into a period of instability and risk. The Bali bombings are a stark reminder that this can be a most uncomfortable and even dangerous world.

In recent years we have experienced relative peace and prosperity. But the immediate future seems to have been darkened with the possibility of war, economic downturn, and even the danger of terrorist attacks close to home.

As Christians, this will make us redouble our efforts of prayer for those who rule over us. We should particularly remember members of the armed forces and the police, as well as the leaders of our government. We are very quick to criticise our political leaders, and it is right for us to keep them accountable. On the other hand, the difficulties of leadership are very great, indeed, and the decisions often involve unpalatable choices. We do not want them to be popular unnecessarily;  but we do want them to be righteous and right. These are very high standards.

And what of ourselves? The New Testament describes the Lord as the one who ‘works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will’ (Ephesians 1:11). It is easy to believe this in theory. It is easy to believe this when all is going well.

It is in times of danger and disappointment that our faith in God may be shaken. Yet it is precisely at these times that our faith can be tested and found true.
In particular, the unbeliever will always want to know why some public or personal disaster has afflicted us.

It is part of the believer’s trust in God’s sovereign and loving power that we are prepared to leave the ‘why’ question to him. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is wise beyond our telling. We may leave the reasons for things with him. This delivers us from anxiety and frees us to trust him and obey him. In the midst of difficulties, we are still being called upon to find and do good works that God has prepared for us to walk in.

Now is a good time to prepare ourselves for what lies ahead by strengthening our grasp of the sovereignty of God. Read the Bible and trust its teaching, then put it into practice every day.