Over 5000 individuals and families have received essential support this Christmas as a result of Anglicare's Toys'n'Tucker program.

According to Anglicare's Assistant Director of Community Care Centres, Philip Coller, 3800 essentials cards, 1200 food hampers and 4000 toy packages were sent out to households across Sydney Diocese this Christmas season.

Coordinator of the Toys'n'Tucker program, Kate Ross, says 135 parishes, 107 schools and 59 businesses registered to participate in Toys'n'Tucker this year.

However, Anglicare could not have pulled off the huge number of deliveries without the assistance of more than 150 Anglicare volunteers who helped pack food and toys donated from parishes for Anglicare's Christmas Hamper program this month.

For 73 year-old Richard Watson, it's the eighth year he has volunteered to pack hampers for Anglicare.

Retiring 14 years ago, Richard was looking for an opportunity to assist the church and the community.

"I wanted to do something on the church side and Anglicare was part of the church family. With the hamper packing program you could also quantify what you were doing and who you were benefiting," Richard explains.

Supporting volunteers like Richard in their work is 26 year-old Moore college student, Stewart Playsted.

Employed as a driver this year, Stewart spent his holidays travelling across the Diocese picking up thousands of donated toys and food from parishes, schools and businesses to be packed into hampers for those who may go without this Christmas.

"I was told about the Anglicare Toys "n' Tucker project and saw an opportunity to use my time this way," says Stewart.

"It's often hard to appreciate that Christmas might not be a time of celebration for some people and it's been amazing to see the way people get involved."

From the volunteers who spend their time packing hampers to parishes who do their best to help with food and gifts, Stewart says it has been very encouraging to see people supporting their community in this way.

According to Anglicare CEO Peter Kell, it is this support from a cast of thousands that enables the organisation to do its work over Christmas and the New Year.

"We are very grateful for the efforts of the parishes that collect food and toys and our volunteers who work hard to pack them into hampers," says Mr Kell.

"Last year our seven Emergency Relief centres helped thousands of individuals and families struggling with financial hardship. We would not be able to reach as many people with food and financial aid without their support."

For more information on how to start your own Food Drive next year contact ANGLICARE on (02) 9895 8000. For financial contributions to Anglicare's Christmas appeal please call 13 26 22.

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