Kids in Sydney’s west are hearing the gospel, thanks to Australia's favourite sport.

During the October school holidays this week, boys aged 10 to 15 are honing their cricket skills in a camp run by Anglican Youthworks.

The camp has been specifically targeted at the Macarthur region, which has one of the largest junior cricket registrations in the country.

"Cricket is a great tool to use as a platform for outreach because it's so popular among boys in the area," says the rector of St James', Minto the Rev Chris Hanger.

Youthworks is partnering with four local churches to run the camp: Christ the Cornerstone, Eaglevale; St James', Minto; St Barnabas', Ingleburn and Glenquarie Anglican.

The regional nature of the camp means campers can be better followed up after the camp has ended, and given the opportunity to join a local youth group with familiar faces.

Making the price right

Camp director and Youthworks’ Wollongong region youth advisor Andy Stevenson says the four-day camp is specifically catering to the needs of families in the area.

At a cost of $159, it is the cheapest holiday camp Anglican Youthworks has run in the last decade.

"We recognise that other Anglican Youthworks holiday camps are out of the price range of many families in the area, so we've made an especially big effort to run the camp at low cost," Mr Stevenson says.

The format of the camp will assist the campers in finetuning their cricket skills in a safe environment while at the same time hearing the gospel.

There are daily Bible talks as well as cricket skills sessions, net practice and a daily 20/20 game.

Youthworks school holiday ministries coordinator Mark Boyd says that while the camp is still in its early days, there is potential for more camps of this nature in the future.

"We have no specific plans at the moment for more camps, but there is definitely lots of scope there," he says.

The cricket camp started on Monday and will finish tomorrow, at St Gregory's College, Campbelltown.

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