As one of his first duties as Archbishop, Dr Glenn Davies has visited Moore College, preaching to a student chapel service.

"It's a great honour to have not only the Archbishop of Sydney speaking to us, but a friend of the college" said Moore's Principal Dr Mark Thompson as he introduced Dr Davies to applause from the student body.

The Archbishop has been a member of the Governing Board since 2000, but he was also a member of the Moore College faculty in the 1980s and 1990s, lecturing in both Old and New Testament as well as serving as the College Registrar. Now, as Archbishop of Sydney, he is the President of the College's Governing Board.

Dr Davies joked about the fact that he'd been in office less than a week, but was asked about the challenges ahead.

"As a pastor, and I'm just a pastor really, teaching the Bible is my greatest love" the new Archbishop said. "I think the biggest challenge ahead is still apathy in our society and a lack of engagement with the truth of the Scriptures. So our challenge continues to be, as Christians, to bring the Word of God to bear in every area of life and to proclaim Christ and to live Christ..."

The Principal Dr Mark Thompson said he was delighted that the new Archbishop was able to visit the College so early in his term and encouraged by his sermon on Mark 2 with its critical message on the forgiveness of sins through Jesus. 

In a challenging address, Dr Davies told students "As you go forth from this place into ministry in whatever capacity the Lord calls you, whether in the workforce or paid ministry or unpaid ministry....there'll be all kinds of opportunities to promote the Gospel of Jesus, but it will come at a cost. Be prepared to make that cost..."

After the service, the Archbishop mingled with staff, faculty and students gathered in the Knox Lecture Theatre and Dr Thompson expressed the hope that the visit was just the first of many from the new Archbishop.

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