“Hey,” I said. “We can save some money by buying no-name Tim-Tams, and just putting them in a bowl. No-one will know the difference.”

Five pairs of female eyes regarded me coldly. “They will know the difference, Craig.”

We were putting the final touches on our women’s event. It was called "The Ultimate Indulgence " Death by Chocolate'. It was looking very positive " lots of RSVPs. Perhaps more than our little venue could hold.

“That’s ok,” said sensible Carrie. “If there are too many, some of the mission girls can go back to the team base.”

“You’re kidding,” I said. “You are going to try and drag some of our girls away from a room full of chocolate?! I predict a riot.”

But they didn’t need to turn anyone away. About 70 ladies turned up at the little church hall " a little cramped, but ok. The local church ladies brought in a chocolate dish each, and these were shared around the tables. I’m told the vibe was very positive and there were a lot of unchurched guests there.

After an hour or so of chocolate consumption, blonde Sammy gave a talk on the prodigal son and challenged the women to seek a relationship with our heavenly Father, God. Everyone was very impressed " hopefully we will have it up on YouTube soon!

After that, sensible Carrie did a chocolate demonstration that, by all accounts, was hilarious. A "chocolate trivia' quiz followed, then more consumption of chocolate, more talking, more coffee.

I arrived at about 9pm to help pack up. There were still lots of ladies there, and I saw plenty of good conversations going on. The girls told me later that plenty of gospel seeds were sown.

Another excellent event and really well received by the community. God is doing a work in this town…

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