With just one week left to pack Anglicare's Christmas hampers, Sydney Anglican volunteers have a mountain of pink toys but are running desperately short of gifts appropriate for teenage boys.

"We can't give these boys the usual CDs or DVDs because many of these families don't have electronic equipment," says David Curnow who is leading this years' hamper packing team.

"Footballs always go down well, but also surf brand clothing and trendy belts," he says.

Volunteer Judy Cork has the job of sorting through all the gifts donated by churches and other groups so the right gift is individually selected for the right child.

Judy admits it has been unbearably hot some days in the Anglicare factory space at Northmead.

"It's hard work but you get a great sense of satisfaction," she says.

This is the fourth year, Judy who attends St Philip's, Eastwood, has packed hampers for Anglicare.

It is commitment she makes, she says, "because Jesus asked us to help the poor'.

"As a Christian, I wanted to make a commitment to helping disadvantaged people," she says. "But I wanted it to be through a Christian organisation."

Around 20 Sydney Anglican parishes are providing volunteer hamper packers, with 155 officially registered to supply donations.

This year 500 gift hampers will be packed for needy families, while over 1500 clients will be receiving food vouchers.

"The aim is to show Christ's love at this time of celebration," says David Curnow, "Christmas is a family time. When a family has nothing they feel it more at this time of the year."

If you wish to donate a Christmas gift to a teenage boy visit Anglicare’s hamper packing warehouse at Unit 4F/6 Boundary Rd, Northmead. Second hand items will not be packed.

Financial donations to the Christmas food voucher program can be made by ringing the Anglicare hotline on 13 26 22.