A new parish partnership between Anglicare's Chesalon Day Centre and St John's, Mona Vale has seen the respite program for elderly residents with dementia relocate from Avalon to Mona Vale.

For the Rev John Reid, rector of St John's, the partnership means more than providing a church hall for Anglicare to use.

"During the last few years we as a parish wanted to do something more for the community. And when the parish council and wardens came with this proposal, I thought it was a brilliant idea," Mr Reid says.

"We were excited about entering into a real partnership with Anglicare. We hope not only to provide access to church property, but also care for the carers and their aged relatives."

Being Christian is about caring in practical ways, says Mr Reid.

"This is where we put theology into practice " where the rubber hits the road," he explains.

"We're here to serve, even if it may cost us and we are hoping that Anglicare will provide further opportunities to look after our community through this partnership."

According to Janet Flower, Manager of Chesalon North Manly, the offer of assistance came at the right time with the centre looking to move premises.

"The owners of the property we were renting wished to use the site for other purposes and we were in the process of looking for a new site when they suggested the site at St John's Anglican Church," says Janet.

"We saw the site and found that it would be suitable with a few adjustments. We were also very encouraged by the support from St John's and hope we will work well together."

New centre a blessing already

For Cheryl Foley and her mother Nola Gallaway, the Anglicare centre has been a real blessing.

"I've been caring for my mother since my father died about 12 years ago. But she has needed more help in the last couple of years.

"She's had a bit of memory loss, so I've been supporting her as she tries to stay independent."

Cheryl explains this involved popping in to see her mother every morning and afternoon to check things were well.

"Anglicare has provided an incredible support during the day," says Cheryl.

"Keeping up a social network can be hard for my mother to organise and tap into by herself. Now she is socialising with people who understand her and she gets so excited about going."

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