One Anglican parish was completely drowned by the Newcastle storms, but local church leaders say it's the overwhelming flood of human need that is the main concern of Christians in the Hunter.

"There are people whose homes are so severely damaged that they will need to be relocated for months," says the Archdeacon of Newcastle, David Simpson, "And so many people are not adequately insured."

Thanking Sydney Anglicans for their concern, Archdeacon Simpson asks that prayerful support particularly focus on the plight of the many small business people "wiped out' by the floods.

"Some businesses have been severely impacted losing their entire stock," he says. "They have been wiped out. I don't know how they will make a living."

Church property drowned

Damage to Anglican Church property in Newcastle could reach a quarter of a million dollars.

Half a dozen Anglican parishes were damaged in the storms and flooding.

New Lambton parish " which includes 9 aged care units owned by the church - was completely inundated by flood waters.

Archdeacon Simpson estimates damage to church property in New Lambton alone will be in excess of $100,000.

The Bishop of Newcastle, Brian Farran, released a statement yesterday from a conference he is attending in New Zealand expressing his deep concern.

He is cutting short his travels in order to return to Newcastle and offer his support as the clean-up continues.

“The community spirit that has grown out of the devastation is to be commended,” he said.

Samaritans, the welfare agency of the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle, has been assisting those in need, although a number of its centres also suffered significant storm damage.

Bishop Farran said, “We are very grateful to all the volunteers of Samaritans and other organisations who have been able to assist the community in this time of uncertainty and need.”

Close call for Sydney minister

The Rev Stuart Holman, rector of Avalon, was also thanking God for a narrow escape after a tree branch fell on the roof of his house.

At least four other Sydney Anglican parishes also suffered storm damage.

Worst effected was Darling Point, where a tree fell on the church hall which houses a preschool. This led to internal water damage.

Sydney Diocesan insurance officer Cindy Wong estimated the damage at $20,000.

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