In Old Testament times, every seventh year is a sabbatical, but for Youthworks Year 13 program, its seventh anniversary is a bumper harvest.

The gap year program has more than doubled its intake over last year, with more than 75 applications for places for 2012.

Year 13, based at the Youthworks site at Loftus, offers two attendance “modes”: Continuous and Intensive. The intensive mode, in which students from regional areas can attend in blocks has already begun. The 13 students currently settling in come from as far afield as the north of Western Australia to the north of New South Wales. Most of the Anglican provincial dioceses of NSW are represented and teenagers from other denominations are also taking part.

As to the quality of students “The students in the intensives are an amazing bunch” says Year 13 Director Rev Andrew Nixon. “One student has spent the last six weeks on a mission to Kenya, another has spent the last 6 weeks driving a tractor. Every one has a unique story and they will all have an impact in their home churches this year.

The blocks at Loftus vary from 2 to 4 weeks. “To travel long distances to do Year 13 while remaining committed to their home churches is a big step. It just shows their leadership potential” he says.

The continuous mode starts on 8 February and students are booked in from all parts of the diocese. “We’re seeing applications from many new churches, in addition to returning churches, which is fantastic” says Mr Nixon.

Mission Board had previously pushed for $100,000 in funding to significantly develop Year 13 and CEO Zac Veron says it has paid off.  "The Year 13 program is without doubt the best youth development initiative our Diocese has seen this century. Having had two of my daughters recently participate, and another one raring to go next year, it is no surprise to me that the program has exploded in numbers."

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