Archbishop Peter Jensen’s weekly online series on The Essential Jesus (the gospel of Luke). In each study the Archbishop will lead us through the book we intend on giving away to as many people as possible.


Read Luke chapter 11, verses 29-54.

You can see why Jesus was hated. He was an unrelenting critic of his generation, especially the religious leaders. Though he is greater even than King Solomon, they reject the truth standing before them. The problem is an inner spiritual darkness. They were engrossed with keeping God's law. But such an attitude means that the law's demands will be ritualised and reduced to meet human capacity. They have neglected the inner life in favour of ritual washing, and they have kept tiny requirements instead of love and justice. Worse, they have burdened others with the multiplicity of this externalised religion and exploited a reputation for religious virtuosity. The consequence is that the guardians of the law became law-breakers and even the murderers of the prophets. Such a religion is very powerful - and we need to be as careful of it as the ancient people of God.

1 What did Jesus mean by comparing himself to the prophet Jonah?

2 Jesus attacks the law-experts. Is he attacking the Law? What are the angers of a religion which focuses on law? Are we law-less?

3 Why was Jesus crucified?

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